Thursday, July 31, 2008

16 months and walking, kind of...

My co-workers don't believe me that my 16month old is not yet walking, well he actually took like 3.5 steps the other day and of course I videotaped it. Turn the volume down if you watch, b/c Im a little excited. The kid has a full vocab including baseball game, basketball (his two fav), thank you, hello, peek a boo, dink, banket, but has not been to keen on walking. He also has a pretty amazing pitching arm, this makes daddy o proud.


Sharyl said...

Too cute!!

Heather said...

Yea Jude! Good job buddy!
Keely, you are going to turn around in a few days and he'll be running - watch out!

Can't wait to see his walking in person.