Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Kenz!

Happy birthday to my 4th, actually first child, I am not kidding when I say I would adopt you in a heartbeat. I remember the day of your birth very clearly, I was a roomie at the time. Your mom woke me up in the middle of the nite when she was in labor, you were 2 weeks overdue at this point and a few hours later you were born. At 8 pounds, 3oz you were 2 pounds bigger than your bro, and a little rough on your mama. She came home with a catheter bag and had her boob lanced after getting mastitis. Looking back on it after 8yrs of labor experience, never seen either of these things, perhaps that could be why she never got pregnant again, and to this day can't watch anyone breastfeed without cringing. At any rate, it was totally worth it, because you are the best Kenz, thanks for being my kiddos best friend, teacher and babysitter! Happy 11th!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

What a tribute!

Cathetar bag? That frightens me.