Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blissful birthday weekend

Roe had another awesome meet Friday night, getting all 1sts and one 2nd place on bars,  preparing for some tougher competition in Omaha in Chicago. 

 Kingston had to have a turn on the 1st place podium as well. I forgot how long 4 hours was sitting with a 2 year old, so thankful for my in-laws who have kept him many of meets.

Crocks had us over for games, here she is posing with her furry friend Hurley
 Jude and Meg in church. Jude lost a 2nd tooth, only swallowed it, instead of pulling it this time. Poop fairy is on the look out.Went to church and then lunch with friends after. It is bad when you go to pizza hut and take up 3 tables with just 2 families.
Got to get a run in with my sister, could have been about 30 degrees warmer.
Finished Sunday night off with a new recipe from Shannon, try it, you will like it!
A little Paula Deen Lasagna Soup  (I used real italian sausage and not turkey, I wasn't feeling the light part)

Hopefully my next 36 years will include lots of family, friends, food & wine as well:)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Glad you had a good birthday weekend, here's to celebrating many more with you! Cheers!