Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Jude, Ju Ju Bean, Sug-Sug!

My baby boy is 1 today, send over the tissues, I am weeping. He is sporting his one gift he got this cute j shirt, can you tell this is third child + third b-day of the week. No steps yet, but he says ball (his favorite), thank you and pooped. Several others that only mommy can translate, I will stop bragging, did I mention I think he is the cutest baby ever?


The Unprocessed Project said...

Gotta love those red heads!

Were all your children born in the same week? That is some serious timing!

julie said...

The shirt is too cute, as is Jude of course. But I am partial to Judes, especially those with the last name Law, but I digress. The red hair is tops! Looks like you really had a great time with all the parties, did supermom earn herself another pedicure?! Or a bag of leftover Easter chocolate?

pamela said...

he is cute. and i'm a real weeper about my kids growing up too.