Monday, August 20, 2012

No more monkeys

 flipping out of bed! I could not deal with him diving headfirst onto hardwood floors again and Xander wanted his duvet back we had made as a landing pad temporarily on the floor.
 Trav took off a railing and converted Kingston (Cole's) crib into a toddler bed, not sure if it is suppposed to do this, but he has now slept one nap and one night in it. He had been sleeping with his sister but she slumbered at Grandpa & Grandma's last night, now if he will stay in.
Strudel likes the easy access to the bed as well.

1 comment:

heather said...

He is SO cute! Love the picture with the dog! My kids want Roxie to sleep with them but she is more cat than dog and wants nothing to do with that.