Monday, March 23, 2015


love this kid and can't believe I am the mom of a teenager now, yikes!
Wasn't around boys much until I had one and so happy I did and so glad you were my first. I apologize to you everyday for that, but you have turned out pretty amazing, considering your parents were newbies..
I love that my oldest and youngest are so similar, I feel like I am experiencing Xander's toddler years again with Kingston in my 30's. 
He continues to love sweets and carbs, yep that would be my child. Your favorite class in middle school has been baking, yes you are going to make a good husband some day.
 maybe the swimming lessons when you were one paid off, because you only do that with your first child right?

It has been a complete joy to watch you grow and couldn't be more proud of you, love you Xander!

You are such a good sport, good sibling and friend and have turned into the best cheapest babysitter yet, some teen perks for parents. 
This is the goal tree he made during Crew at school #love

1 comment:

Kit said...

Such a great young man. Happy Belated Birthday Xander