Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Nadia Comaneci Invitational; Perfect 10

We went to Oklahoma City a couple weeks ago for the Nadia Comaneci Invitational, a quick but super fun trip! Our future life guard beachin it over the hot tub had to save King after he went under in the hot tub.

We got to watch the college girls compete on Friday night, so much awesome gymnastics there.
 Nadia handed a few of the awards, pretty sure none of these girls know who she is, but she is kind of a big deal:)
 The boys entertained themselves around the Cox arena while we attended the college meet.
 I love how these girls cheer for each other, they make a great trio, keep up the good work!
 Such a fun downtown area and warm, yay for 60 degrees!
 lots of fun stuff for my boys to do at the meet this time.
celebrated at pinkitzel cupcakes after

 Our hotel was a host of the meet, it connected to the cox center & had complimentary limo service that I think was my kids highlight.
 Enjoying some cupcakes on the ride home
 King loves to make up his own routines during the meet using Xander as his beam.

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