Saturday, November 12, 2011

2nd Annual Marlatt Sock Hop

Last year King and I missed the sock hop, so we were excited to attend this year, cutest school party idea ever, complete with root beer floats. Thanks to my really amazing over achieving friends who can plan these great parties for our kids, super time. Most importantly heard lots of canned food and money raised while these kiddos, siblings and PARENTS had a great time, going back to the 50's. Wish I had gotten some more pics.

hula girls
come on ride the train,

limbo lower now, think the limbo rules must have changed a bit.


Kit said...

your kids looked great. The Sock Hop was a lot of fun and clearly a lot of work for the parents that helped get it organized.

Shannon said...

Thanks for all the props! It is such a blast to see the kiddos having fun. Thanks for taking pics only pics were when we cleaned up!! Can you email me those?