Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kitchen Facelift

our old kitchen in 2002, with my young husband, think you were 27 maybe!!!??? thought the mauve was a nice touch with the country wallpaper and paint splattered chairs.

Our AMAZING neighbors, we can't move, are you kidding me?! The next best thing to a new house, more our budget, renovate the old, with design experts aka (me and Shannon) and handymen, Jake and Jake.

Microwave not in yet, but I am still in love, add a little farm sink and it would be true love. Seems to be the case, when I update a little, I get addicted and want to keep updating.

My dream sink, too bad they cost as much as the appliances, will have to wait...


Jessie said...

I LOVE it! The blue paint with the stainless steel looks awesome! Way to go Zekas and Says! Nice teamwork!

julie said...

Looks awesome, good work!!