Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bummer summer

After a girlfriend mentioned having our girls do a book club, I thought the idea was great. Of course then I couldn't find the book she mentioned and since Borders is going out of business there was slim pickings there too. Roe picked out the Judy Moody and not so Bummer summer to read instead. Well now that it has finished she is ready to see the movie, which I found out is no longer in the theaters. Probably should have checked on that sooner, bummer that the bummer summer movie is not in theaters and not coming out on DVD anytime soon.


Michele Sauk said...

That is why Aysha and I just started the first Harry Potter book, we can read and see, read and see, etc. etc. If it makes her feel any better my girls gave that movie a "Bummer" review.

Heather said...

You should see if there is a dollar theater in Topeka that is showing the movie. Expensive movie to drive that far but you could make a girls afternoon of it. Could be fun! Sure miss you guys!