What a crazy December! Some highlights the Spirit of the Holiday Mayor's Lighted Parade. Miss Smith walked King both in their onesie pajamas as part of the leadership group's Polar Express theme:) I can honestly say we have never watched or participated in this ever and we will again, the floats were great!

Part of the Polar Express crew

We had a crazy ice storm and school was canceled, we were all excited and had game night and a sleepover, why not?
One of the many activities we filled our day while without electricity, Xander told ghost stories by the fire while Strudel had to be right in the middle of the pack as usual.

the gamers
In the midst of no electricity and ice we decided it would be a good time to get our tree.
It took about 3 minutes total

We thought it looked like it had a lean to it and within 24 hours it toppled over:(

Xander LOVES youth group, he went to the winter retreat in Wichita with this crew, a good group of kids.

Kingston looking for the pickle ornament

One of the few Christmas decorations we have up, our tree, that is a titch pitiful.

My favorite ornament, Jerkya, miss this girl everyday like crazy! Trying to stay positive through the season and remember the hope that we have through Jesus, we are not meant for this world, but have something much better in store for us that Jeryka is already soaking up!

The Bethlehem Revisited crew, again something we have never done, but I would totally recommend!