17 kids under the age of 8, not counting the 2 in utero, maybe more??:)) still time for adult conversation makes it easy with a slip n slide and bounce houses
Xander and Brady sporting their new T's to remember 2nd grade! Monroe giving goodbye hugs to Mrs.Runyan. Jude and Sophia, poolside. Barb getting a style by Jack and Greyson Xander called this "the pencil"
you learn as you go...My parents were adamant about going dancing this weekend, how do you take 6 kids under 8 dancing? They resorted to dancing in our living room.
Trav took Xander to hit Monday night at Marlatt, and Xander caught his pinky/hand knuckle with the ball instead of his bat. 2 days later, I decided it was still pretty swollen and he was having trouble playing Mississippi Hotdog on the piano. After a little x-ray, thank you BRYCE:), we have a fracture on his little pinky knuckle. Perfect timing for his piano recital on Monday, 4 baseball games this week, and basketball camp coming up in a week and a half. Thankfully, he just needs to rest it and tape it.
Most question asked about having our fourth, "It was an accident right? Were you trying?" Nope, no accident, we wanted 4 and our super excited about it:))))))))))
Jude loves getting his haircut, he and Xander almost fall asleep in the chair. We have been waiting until after gymnastics meets and Monroe's dance recital for the big haircut, so ready for a short summer do!